Timur Si-Qin: Take Me, I Love You
venue: von ammon co
time: 17 October – 15 November 2020
I pray for strength like a tree.
I pray for time like a mountain.
I pray for forgiveness like a river.
I pray for wisdom like the mother.
I am already yours.
– New Peace Open Prayer
Washington DC: von ammon co is pleased to announce its next solo show, Take Me, I Love You, by New
York based German artist Timur Si-Qin. This full-scale show will be the first of its kind in the United States,
and will feature eleven new works by the artist, a combination of 3d printed sculptures,
computer-generated landscapes and branded graphics from the artist’s meta project: New Peace.
Concurrent with the exhibition, Si-Qin will release parts 1 and 2 of his new essay titled Heaven is Sick.