Yao Qingmei in “New Metallurgists” at Julia Stoschek Collection, Düsseldorf
New Metallurgists
Exhibition Dates: 2018.10.07 – 2019.04.28
Exhibition Venue: Julia Stoschek Collection, Düsseldorf
Artists: Yao Qingmei, Fang Di, Liu Yujia, Shen Xin, Song Ta, Wang Tuo, Zheng Yuan, Zhu Payne
Curated by Cao Fei and Yang Beichen, in cooperation with Kunstsammlung Nordrhein-Westfalen
Yao Qingmei will participate in “New Metallurgists”, a group exhibition at Julia Stoschek Collection that focuses on a new and young generation of contemporary Chinese artists. Based on the concept of Gilles Deleuze and Felix Guattari, defining ‘metallurgy’ as a paradigmatic example of a nomadic art, the artistic contributions highlight the increasing complexity and hybridity of modern Chinese society.
Image: Yao Qingmei, Molt (Body Inspection), 2017, three-channel HD video, color & sound, Chinese w/ English subtitles, 9′